Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Obama's Gun Ban! Gun Ban List...

While surfing the web you can find just about anything. Some will be real and some just opinion that is biased in one way or another. However I've warned people for years about Obama and Biden's anti-second amendment policies and I've been ignored. Maybe this will wake you up...

By outlawing guns only outlaws will have them! These dumb laws and bans only apply to law abiding citizens. By banning something do you think that will make all the criminals say "Hey I better turn this in before I get caught with it."? The answer is NO! Are all guns practical? Probably not, but neither is a Mercedes Benz other luxury car when you could be driving a Prius. These are cars that people buy because of a "want". Don't get my point yet? Liberals say guns are dangerous because some mentally unstable person or criminal goes and shoots a bunch of people. The same mentally unstable person or criminal runs over a family of 4 then continues to drive into someones house or place of business and the car doesn't get banned. If guns kill people, then pencils misspell words, cars make people drive drunk, and spoons make people fat. Oh and throwing out made up words like "Assault rifle" is how liberals get other liberals to listen! I could "Assault" you with a pencil, doesn't make it an  "Assault pencil" right? Assault is a behavior not a device! Wake up!

Fun fact: Choosing to smoke kills more people each year than firearm and alcohol related crimes combined! Yet you can buy a pack at almost any corner store.

If more people had guns and were trained on how to properly handle them the "Crazy" people either wouldn't be so "Crazy" or they would get less shots off before getting stopped by law abiding gun toting citizens. 

I could go on about this for a while, but I will end with this. "If guns kill people, then all of mine must be defective!" - Ted Nugent

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